Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Last Judgment- Sistine Chapel

Michelangelo's "Last Judgment" is a stunning piece of work. It's elaborate, captivating, incredibly extensive, and more than that, astounding despite the fact that he didn't want to do it. I love the message and graphic intent the piece holds; it's hopeful yet daunting. His attention to detail is spectacular and everything within it  conveys another story and element to the overall work; the more you look at it, the more you find to observe and admire.

In my opinion, it's unfortunate that they had clothes painted on them, despite how colorful the piece is because of it, which I can appreciate. Michelangelo painted them nude, and I think if that's how he painted them, that's how they should stay. However, I understand the reason. o.o...

Nowadays, such a massive piece with multiple elements would be considered or compared to as a mural. It embodies color, multiple characters, and tells a "story" of some sort. 

"Last Judgment", portrays a beautiful representation of what awaits us in the after life according to Christian beliefs, and is a truly remarkable piece. 


  1. It is a shame that we have to view this painting in a very small space on the page of a book. I am sure it is much more intense on a vaulted ceiling. I think you have chosen a nice modern piece to compare it to but I have to wonder what piece this is and where it is located.

  2. The first thing i thought of when i was this piece is that it looks like a mural that you would see in different urban areas or even in schools. I agree that leaving them naked would have been the best choice since this piece is already so colorful, but sadly there was no choice in the matter =/

  3. I'm glad that the adding of clothes to all the people didn't really ruin the painting too much and i think the artist who painted the clothes on the people was able to capture the style of the painting well so it doesnt stand out. However I agree if thats how michelangelo intended it i dont think it should have been changed.
